Ms. Annaïg Le Guen holds a doctoral thesis in physics on fluid dynamics and transfers. After having occupied positions in the private sector, she joined the CNRS in 2006, and began her career in the management of interdisciplinary research programs.
From the end of 2009, Ms. Annaïg Le Guen turned to the management of very large research infrastructures (synchrotrons, marine fleets for research, super telescopes, …), first as director of a service unit at the CNRS, then on secondment to the Ministry of Higher Education and of research. In July 2012, she was appointed to GENCI, Grand Equipement National de Calcul Intensif (high performance computating infrastructure). In March 2014, she was appointed director of the USR CNRS Guyane (now USR LEEISA - Laboratory of Ecology, Evolution, Interactions of Amazonian Systems), and jointly, executive director of the CEBA Laboratory of Excellence, Center for the Study of Amazonian Biodiversity . Using the experience linked to large facilities opened to the international scientific community, the objective was to implement open access rules to a CNRS field station in French Guiana and to foster the station to the international level. She created a network of 5 field stations opening their facilities to experimentation in ecology. CRIOBE is a member of this national network.
Appointed on December 1, 2018 at the head of the USR CRIOBE, one of the most eminent French laboratories for the study of coral ecosystems, Ms. Annaïg Le Guen becomes the director of a research and services unit which associates teachers -researchers, researchers and administrative and technical staff belonging to CNRS, EPHE and UPVD. CRIOBE's activities are carried out through multiple disciplines - ecology, chemistry, humanities and social sciences - on two main geographic sites, the campus of the University of Perpignan in France and the field station on the Island of Moorea in French Polynesia. CRIOBE also has an office in Paris.