The most popular use of pandanus however is for weaving. A huge variety of items can be made from the leaves which are long, flexible, and sturdy at the same time. They are used to make baskets, hats, thatched roofs, mats, and during traditional times the sails for voyaging canoes. Pandanus thatched roofs are preferred over those made from coconut palm leaves since they last longer.

Fara (S, T, A), Pae'ore (FP)
This is one of the most common and useful native plants throughout the five Polynesian archipelagos. Many varieties exist in French Polynesia but the seaside species, Pandanus tectorius var. tectorius (with spines) is the most abundant is these islands. The variety without spines is laevis. All Screwpine parts are used, from leaves to roots. Leaves are a source of weaving material to make roofing, baskets, mats, etc. The fruit can be eaten, and also used as a paintbrush. The odorous flowers, called Hinano in Tahitian, are still used to perfume monoi, flowers necklaces, and crowns. The wood, which is very resistant, is exploited as a construction material for canoes, house frames, and weapons. And finally roots are used in many traditional medicinal remedies.
Family | Pandanaceae |
Biogeographical status | native |
Life form | tree |
Abundance on Tetiaroa | abundant |
Ecosystem on Tetiaroa | beach, mixed forest |
Butaud J.F., 2013. Tuamotu du centre, Guide floristique. Direction de l'Environnement
Butaud J.F., Gérard J., Guibal D., 2011. Guide des arbres de Polynésie française, bois et utilisations. Au vent des îles.
Barrau, 1971. Useful plants of Tahiti. Société des Océanistes, Paris, Dossier 8.
S: Society | T: Tuamotu | M: Marquesas | G: Gambier | A: Australs | FP: French Polynesia