Tetiaroa Society was invited this month to participate in a workshop in Santa Barbara, California, at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS). The workshop, which was sponsored by The Nature Conservancy, was convened to create a network of sites across a North/South transect in the Pacific Ocean.

Transects are established sampling strategies, and in this case the 4Site Pacific Transect will run from Hawai’i to French Polynesia and will be anchored at research hubs on Oahu (University of Hawai’i), Palmyra (The Nature Conservancy), Moorea (University of California Gump Station and CNRS-EPHE CRIOBE), and Tetiaroa (Tetiaroa Society). The sites offer a spatial, sociocultural, and biogeographical gradient and representation of both high islands and atolls. The partnership between these institutions will leverage already existing data on each site and create new research and monitoring programs across sites to helo promote a sustainable future for Oceania.