atoll fern
brown boobies
step 1

Submit a Project Application

through the RAMS online application system

Submit a Project Application

Online Application System - RAMS

The principal investigator, lead professor, or conference organizer must select the nature of their project:

  • OTHER (conference, workshop, outreach activity, meeting...)

and submit an Application through RAMS:

Preview go to RAMS


NOTE: during the COVID-19 pandemic, users must also agree to comply with additional COVID-19 policies and procedures


Just making an exploratory visit?

If you are making a visit to explore potential projects and will not actually carry out a project at this time, please fill out the Application under OTHER, indicating this is an exploratory visit.

Carrying out Research and Teaching at the same time?

If an instructor (professor, graduate student) is also conducting research alongside their teaching, they must submit a RESEARCH application in addition to being listed on the CLASS application. Reservations should be made under whichever Application is paying for their usage during that stay.

Tetiaroa Society PF project approval procedure

  1. Tetiaroa Society FP Projects 
    Projects may be scientific, cultural, or educational in nature, and must adhere to the mission of Tetiaroa Society.
  2. Sponsorship of the Scientific Advisory Board 
    To be considered for approval, Projects must be : - submitted under sponsorship of at least one member of the Tetiaroa Society Scientific Advisory Board, - fully funded before being considered for approval. Projects that are not fully funded will not be approved or initiated in anticipation of future funding.
  3. Examination overseen by the Directors 
    To be considered for approval, Projects must be reviewed and recommended by :
    •  the Director of Projects with respect to relevance to the mission of Tetiaroa Society,
    • and by the Director of Operations with respect to funding and available human/material resources.
  4. Approval Stage 
    After examination, projects are approved by a majority vote of the “Bureau”. All decisions regarding program approval or rejection will be communicated to all relevant parties. Approved projects will be scheduled for execution and integrated into the budget of Tetiaroa Society.
  5. Record Archiving 
    All documentation related to the projects, including applications, examinations, and approval decisions, will be appropriately recorded for future reference.
  6. Controls 
    Adherence to this procedure will be periodically monitored during audit missions.